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  Military Technology and Defence Industrialisation

Military Technology And Defence Industrialisation

by Air Vice Mar. Samir K.Sen

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 386.10
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  India`s DefenceIndustrialisation has always been an important issue of South Asia`s regional security, yet its Defence Technology and industiral base has only recently invited the attention of strategic analysts and constituted the subject of a serious discource. Having fought three wars with Pakistan and withstood invasion by anathor neighbour China, India has always been obliged to invest in the sustenance of a large sized military and the build-up of her defence production base. While giving an insight into the growth of the Indian DTIB the author has given a narrative of both the R&D and the Manufacture components of the Indian DTIB and analysed the circumstances of the neglect of the INdian military by the political leadership and the consequent side-tracking of India`s military, industrial and research complex during the first two decades and more.

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