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  The Diamond Sutra

The Diamond Sutra

by Osho

  Price : Rs 295.00
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  Written over 25 centuries ago, "The Diamond Sutra", like many sutras, begins with the famous phrase ’Thus have I heard’. In this sutra the Buddha has finished his daily walk with the monks to gather offerings of food, and sits down to rest. One of the more senior monks, Subhuti, comes forth and asks the Buddha a question. What follows is a dialogue regarding the nature of perception. In this book Osho offers his unique and highly accessible interpretation of the Buddha’s words. When you read Osho, it is as if you are in the audience while he speaks. The words are recordings of his teachings - the easy, humorous conversational style makes for effortless reading and brings the most complex ideas into a form that anyone can understand and learn from. His irreverent wit and thought-provoking inspiration continue to attract growing numbers of readers and devotees.
’This sutra - "The Diamond Sutra" - was born in Sravasti. The Sanskrit name of this sutra is "Vajrachchhedika Prajnaparamita Sutra". It means perfection of wisdom which cuts like a thunderbolt. If you allow, Buddha can cut you like a thunderbolt. He can behead you. He can kill you and help you to be reborn. The new being is possible only when the old has been destroyed. A buddha has to be both - a murderer and a mother. On the one hand he has to kill, on the other hand he has to give new being to you’ - Osho.

Pages : 288
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