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  WMD Terrorism: Strategy for Consequences Management

Wmd Terrorism: Strategy For Consequences Management

by Brig. M.S. Patial

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 386.10
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  One of the more debated aspects of the study of terrorism over last few years has been the likelyhood of terrorists using weapons of mass Destruction (WMD). A rash of terrorists spectular , pushing as never before the possibility of WMD use by non state actors into the spotlight, has brought the immediacy of the of the question home. Aum Ahinrikyo`s sasrin gas attack on the toya subway in march 1995 represented the first large scale us eof mass casuality weapons by a non state actor for the express purpose of causing large number of deaths and injuries. These attacks make the question of potential WMD use by terrorists an important and timely one especially when considered in the ;light of the explosion in information technology availability and growing concerns over proliferation and material control issues. The possible level of phhysical destruction , injury and loses of life from these weapons is so great in and of itself that the potential for terrorisat acquistion and use warrants serious considerations. INdi has been facing insurgencies / terrorism since indipendence and with the availability of WMD technologies in its neighbourhood, there is a need for us to analyse the threat of WMD falling into the handas of terrorists and its likely use against Indian people. Preparations for mitigating the consequences are in itself deterrence. India needs to evoelve a strategy for consequence management of WMD terrorism

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