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  Social Relevance of Philosophy Essays on Applied Philosophy

Social Relevance Of Philosophy Essays On Applied Philosophy

by P. George Victor,

  Price : Rs 330.00
  Your Price : Rs 264.00
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  What is the role of philosopher? Can philosophy be of any use to man`s social living? These are some of the questions that the philosophy teachers try to answer in this book of twenty-two essays. It closely scrutinises the relevance of philosophy at the social level, throwing light on various philosophical systems and view of thinkers, both Indian and western. It shows how people can be guided on their many problems in a philosophical and holistic manner.

Presented at a national seminar, the essays discuss a wide range of philosophical issues and perspectives on how man can modify his individual thinking, develop the spiritual dimension of life, transform his social conduct and manage personal and social relationships better. They deal with the relevance of Gandhi`s concept of freedom, the ethical importance of Tiruvalluvar`s philosophical outpourings, Buddhist perspectives on mindfulness and social reformation, and significance of Yoga for harmonious living. They take up contemporary concerns like reservations, dalit philosophy, growth of philosophical Counselling, ethical and bio-ethical dimensions of abortion, professional ethics, and role of philosophy in tackling the harmful effects of consumerism and materialism.

This book will be extremely interesting for scholars of philosophy as well as general readers, and highly useful as a textbook in Applied Philosophy for students.

ISBN : 9788124602041

Pages : 195
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