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  Muhurta (Traditional and Modern)

Muhurta (Traditional And Modern)

by K K Joshi

  Price : Rs 195.00
  Your Price : Rs 195.00
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  MUHURTA, or choice of an auspicious moment for commencement of an activity used to be the most important branch of Astrology in ancient times. Reason for this can be found in its emphasis on the positive aspects of life, i.e. choosing a favourable time to commence any activity. The emphasis on `Karma` or effort to create short term destiny relating to a particular aspect of life within the limits set by major destiny or birth horoscope has also been the reason for giving muhurta the importance it deserved. In this book an attempt has been made to present the information relating to this branch of Astrology in a systematic manner.
The book is written keeping in mind the following objectives:
(1) To present all relevant information about muhurta in an organized and simple manner. The target reader of this book is a student of astrology and not a scholar.
(2) To give relative importance of different variables to be taken into account for fixing a muhurta. This will help the reader in making right choice.
(3) To introduce certain new area which are very important but are generally ignored while fixing muhurta. In this book and attempt has been made to explain the use and importance of Ashtakavarga, dasha and Tajik yogas in muhurta by giving examples.
(4) To help the reader in choosing a muhurta in situations where he cannot consider all the factors due to urgency. This book contains an elaborate discussion of components of muhurta, benefic and malefic yogas, benefic and malefic transit positions, all `Sadosha smskaras` or sixteen sacraments, educational and occupational muhurtas, muhurtas relating to construction, journey, coronation and other muhurtas related to almost all aspects of life. Tables have been used in abundance to put the information in simple and understandable manner.

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