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  Practical Aspects Of Munchauisen By Proxy & Munchauisen Syndrome Investigatoin

Practical Aspects Of Munchauisen By Proxy & Munchauisen Syndrome Investigatoin

by Artingstal

  Price : Rs 3057.00
  Your Price : Rs 3057.00
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It is essential for anyone involved in the investigation and prosecution of child abuse cases to be aware of the often hidden and subtle warning signs of Munchausen by Proxy. Munchausen syndrome, classified as a mental illness, occurs when a person inflicts or fabricates illness upon themselves, often as an attention-getting device. Munchausen by Proxy (MBP) is an even more insidious disorder in that such illness or injury is inflicted upon a victim-usually a child.
Awareness can stop the vicious cycle of abuse
Practical Aspects of Munchausen by Proxy and Munchausen Syndrome Investigation is the most comprehensive law enforcement handbook written on MBP, which is now considered an index factor in child abuse investigations and as a suspicion factor in the deaths of young children. This book offers detailed insight into the dynamics of MBP abuse and the Munchausen offender. The text chronicles real cases of MBP and Munchausen in the dominion of law enforcement and relates them to general principles of criminal investigations. With this practical guide, readers will be able to readily identify Munchausen-related behavior, apply that recognition in all types of investigations, improve the ability to detect covert or falsified crimes, have the basic knowledge to effectively combat MBP child victimization, or to successfully proscecute MBP cases.

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