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  SQL In A Nutshell

Sql In A Nutshell

by By Kevin Kline With Daniel Kline

  Price : Rs 175.00
  Your Price : Rs 175.00
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  SQL( Structured Query Language ) is a standard interactive and programming language for retrieving and updating information from a database. Queries take the from of a command language that lets users do such things as select, insert, update, and locate data. Many database products support SQL with proprietary extensions to the standard language. SQL in a Nutshell is a practical and useful command reference to the latest release of the Sstructured Query Language ( SQL ). For experienced SQL programmers, analysts, and database administartors, it`s a handy key to each of the SQL commands and how to use it in both commercial ( Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and Oracle 8i) and open source implementaions. SQL in a Nutshell is also a great learning resource for novice and auxiliary SQL users such as system administrators. Sales Points :* Only book on the market that covers the latest versions of four popular implementations of SQL * Covers the latest release of the Structured Query Language ( SQL) * Appropriate for a wide audience : experienced SQl programmers, analysts, and database administrators as well as novice and auxiliary SQL users ISBN: 81-7366-327-0 Size : 6 X 9 Pages : 300

Pages :
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