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  Java Internationalization

Java Internationalization

by By Andy Deitsch & David Czarnecki

  Price : Rs 300.00
  Your Price : Rs 300.00
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  Java`s sophisticatied and thoroughly integrated Unicode support makes it the best language for developing internationalized applications that are not limited by language barriers. Java Internationalization explores and provides concrete examples for using the features of Java`s Unicode ( a standard system for the interchange, processing and display of written text in 24 different languages, which has bwwn adopted by such industry leaders as Apple, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, Sun, Sybase and many othe -rs), to create internationalized graphical user interfaces; to correctly format currency, dates, times, and numbers; and to ensure font support for different languages. It also discusses creating internationalized Web applications using servlets and Java Server Pages. Sales Points : * Fills a growing need, as explosive growth of world-wide e-commerce makes it necessary to create Web applications that are truly free of language barriers * Only book available on Java internationalization * Written by multi-lingual authors with extensive backgrounds in e-commerce and internationalized software applications. ISBN: 81-7366-271-1 Size : 7 X 9 Pages : 456

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